Monday, May 26, 2014

Goodbye Dishwasher Detergent!

Hello sodium carbonate, aka washing soda!

I've been gradually experiment with simplifying my household and personal products, going homemade where I can.  It's so exciting when I find that I've demystified another product and find I can concoct my own with a few simple ingredients.  The latest discovery has been with dishwasher detergent, after poking around the internet and seeing that most of the recipes contained washing soda, something I wasn't familiar with.  After reading this article, I went to the local hardware store, and got me some good ol' washing soda -- not without confusion about what it was from the store clerk who asked me what I was looking for.  With a tablespoon of washing soda and about a 1/2 tsp of citric acid into the detergent compartment, like magic, the dishes came out fantastic, better than the natural detergent that I've been using!  Couldn't believe it -- it's that simple.

So, people, who needs petroleum chemicals to get your dishes clean when you basically just need some sodium carbonate?  


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